Explained: October again

October storm kite surfing
Storm on January 18

The month of October has begun. We don't need a calendar to know this. In recent days, wind and weather has alerted us to the beginning of the autumnal month. The end of the weekday after-work sessions?

Arno goes sky high on the “ex-car beach” in Oostvoorne.

Some facts about the month of October

  • Sunrise / Sunset on October 1: 7:41/19:17
  • Sunrise / Sunset on October 31: 7:34/17:13
  • The clock is ringing one hour back.
  • Average temperature on the Bilt: 10,3 degrees Celsius
  • Average wind speed on the Bilt: 3,1 m / s
  • Average number of days with more than 4 bft: 12 day

“The most and most violent storms occur in the period from October to March. The storm generally lasts longer in the winter half year than in the summer. A summer storm lasts on average about 9 hours, while a winter storm rages on average for 15 hours, but can sometimes last for several days. Very severe storms generally last a long timebecause it takes a while for the storm to reach its maximum and the wind usually decreases only slowly. ”

Source: Knmi

There is a windy period ahead. You hear many people complaining about the weather during this period, we kiters know better. The only downside is the lower temperatures in the winter months. This also has its advantages, now that the kite spots are increasingly busy, especially in the summer months.

Who kite through in the winter? Who visits the gym? Or do you stay comfortable by the stove?



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