Kite size choice explained. Sort by forecast wind

kite size choice
His 9 meters was soon too big. Here Dennis Verschoor working with my 7 meters.

Below is a nice kitesurfing video of a cool session for the Second Maasvlakte on Saturday, July 6, 2024. We have plenty of kitesurfing tips and this time we look back at the choice of the right size kite. View the specially created table for this purpose kite size page and save that page if desired.

Choice of kite size for rapidly increasing winds

Storm day situation

Rapidly increasing winds can be seen
Rapidly increasing winds can be seen for the next few hours (red line) through the wind sites.

As seen through the special wind pages the wind would increase rapidly from 3 meters per second to 10 meters per second in 18 hours. That's quite extreme and 18 meters per second is more than 60 kilometers per hour. It was a real one storm. The gusts of wind would be much stronger. 9 out of 10 kitesurfers wisely turn their noses up at this kind of weather. Only very experienced kitesurfers who like this type of wind go on the water.

Made choice of kite size

I weigh about 84 kilos clean on the hook and therefore took my 7 meters Naish Pivot kite. Because the wind was still increasing, the 7 meter kite could have been a bit small for the first half hour, but this turned out not to be the case. The size was right from the start. After more than an hour of kitesurfing, the 7 meters became too big. Fine for some extreme jumps, but a 6 meter would be more comfortable. In the video you can see Dennis kitesurfing with my 7 meters. He is a lot heavier than me and his 9 meters was simply too big for him.

Kite size selection tips

Avoid the wind during your entire session

When I go kitesurfing I look at the wind that is forecast during the time slot that I am on the water. I go for a 2 hour session. Then I look at what happens in terms of wind in those 2 hours and a little later. I choose the kite size for the strongest wind I will experience.

Expect the strongest gusts of wind

In addition, I assume the strongest gusts of wind that are predicted during my session. This way I can be sure that I will not be surprised and that the choice of my kite size is correct.

Suitable wind power kitesurfing

A nice wind force to start kite surfing, practice and kite surfing is between 14 - 21 knots (wind force 4 - 5). Very experienced kite surfers even go on the water at more than 27 knots (wind force 7). Read more about the wind strength at which kitesurfing can be done. Also see how you determine whether it is wise for you to go kitesurfing in the article 'Can I kite surf today?'.

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