KNRM special: safe out, safe at home


Dhe Royal Dutch Rescue Company (KNRM) provides assistance on the water, at sea and on spacious inland waterways. Lifeboats and volunteers are available 24 hours a day for emergency and non-emergency care. Based on good seamanship, the rescue company provides assistance on the water to anyone who requests it. The rescue company rescues and helps free of charge. Since 1824 and it will remain so, it is certainly written on the site.

Rescue and rescue tasks are classified as follows:

  • Emergency Response - Search and Rescue (SAR)
  • Lifeguard (beach surveillance)
  • Radio medical service
  • Coastal assistance (KHV)
  • Patient transport
KNRM for kite surfers - Safety above all else
The administrator of KitesurfPro is a donor of the KNRM

Rescue kite surfer in distress

Dhe KNRM is almost always involved in rescue operations for kite surfers. That is why many kite surfers are not only members of the Dutch Kitesurf Association, but also donors of the Royal Dutch Rescue Society.

In 2021, the KNRM had to turn out 219 times for surfers, kite surfers and stand up paddle surfers…

Kitesurfing tips KNRM

In addition, the rescue company continuously has good advice and tips regarding safety. For example, you can order a sticker from the rescue company for free on your kite surfboard on which you can put your contact details. Maybe it isn't beautiful as ours or a Boomtag, but make sure your belongings have your name and mobile number.

  • Make sure you have your name and mobile number on your kite surfboard and preferably kite.
  • Write down the telephone number of the coast guard / KNRM in the telephone: 0900-0111.
  • Have you lost (kite) surf equipment and are you safe ashore? Then always call the coastguard / KNRM immediately on 0900-0111 and inform them about the situation.
  • Install the KNRM app and let us know your sailing plan when you go kite surfing.

Also check out the special: so you can be found on the water.

KNRM kite surfing
Coast Guard / KNRM App instructions

Other campaigns of the rescue company that are also relevant for kite surfers:

  • #besafe: The Be Safe campaign is expected to start in 2021. Be Safe aims to ensure that all surfers observe a number of necessary basic rules when they go out on the water. Be Safe should raise awareness and prevent emergencies;
  • #betraceable: the Be Traceable campaign is aimed at putting a sticker on your material, on which you can enter your name and mobile number;
  • #bromfly: every letter in BROMFLY represents a check. Kite surfers are asked to perform a “BROMFLY buddy check” in advance. Directly to the BROMFLY checkpoints.

Also visit the website once and sign up as a donor.

More about kitesurfing safety