Thursday 22 September was the day: the first edition of the Open Military Kitesurfing Championship, or OMK Kitesurfing. For soldiers, veterans and reservists, OMK is a well-known term when it comes to sports competitions, for others it is not. As surprised as I was, I didn't miss the chance to participate. How cool is it to spend a sporty day at the sea with active and non-active military kitesurfing buddies. No sooner said than done and here's a nice report of the day and my experience. Also about how I was messing around.
Fanatics during the OMK kitesurfing
In the morning we walked onto the beach so that we could load our things into the military car. Once at the spot we already saw a show-off kitesurfing warmly with a Harlem Kitesurfing kite. Of course that had to be Jeroen Schuurman. In addition to the real fanatics, there were also soldiers during the OMK Kitesurfing who had been kitesurfing for a relatively short time and had little experience at sea. Still, it went surprisingly well!
Reception at Mifune Watersports
We were guests of Mifune Water Sports who provided support in terms of accommodation and catering just before the end of the season. So we were fully equipped.
Ready for my heat an enthusiastic guy shouted 'Are you taking a rest?' I said 'No, if the horn goes, I have to blow' to which the man in question responded 'Do your best, I'll take care of dinner this afternoon.' I thought that would be fine with the closing at Mifune this afternoon.
Great experience with the KL sports committee and the NKV
The organization was in the hands of the sports committee of the Royal Netherlands Army. The OMK kitesurfing was a pilot for them. It had to happen because now there are also many soldiers who kitesurf.
It quickly became clear to the sports committee that a kitesurfing competition does not always lend itself to a strict military approach. The buoys were turned off and even during the skippers meeting with the kite surfers, the wind turned slightly, making the assignment on the water practically impossible. So improvisation, then the wind turned a bit and it was improvisation again. The sports committee was guided on this point by the competition management, which was in the hands of the Dutch Kitesurf Association (NKV), and because of the flexible and enthusiastic attitude of the participants. The sports committee was pleasantly surprised about this. I myself have been a jury member for many years, but how cool was it to see the volunteers of the NKV at work. Blessed energy on such a day to make sure everything runs smoothly. Hats off to the sports committee, the NKV and Mifune Watersports.
Bitch first class that I am
With my 20+ years of kitesurfing experience, it had been a while since I had competed. This was a twintip race at sea. So as a former sea soldier and storm kite surfer, I thought I had a good chance. But that was completely different. During my second race I ran like crazy into the water to be the first to sail even faster on my way to the first buoy. Anyway, fast kitesurfing generally also means going more downwind. This rule of thumb certainly fits in the waves. So I didn't make it to the first buoy to pass it upwind and had to cross over. I was immediately last. Of course I felt like an awful mess.
For the rest of the day I kept the motto 'Participating is more important than winning' but like a sausage in my mind.
Top atmosphere did miliaries good
The atmosphere was good and experiences and stories were exchanged. Not only about experiences with 'the boss' but also about kitesurfing. It was clear that not only I can write a book about that.
Winners OMK Kitesurfing 2021
Of course the winners are the organization and Nada, the model on the flyer, who was ultimately one of the initiators of the OMK Kitesurfing. Jeroen Schuurman was the boss on the water. The final was definitely not easy for him either, but he won the OMK Kitesurfing. The top 3 was thus:
- Jeroen Schuurman
- Sascha Freesen
- Michael VanRiet
OMK kitesurfing 2022
Will there be an OMK kitesurfing 2022? Certainly as far as the participants and organizations are concerned. That was the final conclusion after a fun and sporty day at the sea. The conclusion of the pilot was successful for the KL sports committee and we hope to be able to expect another call next year.