Ozone Vortex Ultra X a big air double barrel kite?

Ozone Vortex Ultra-X

Ozone calls the Vortex Ultra-X a King of the Air kite that is suitable for many kite surfers. Kitesurfers who consider this unreal are invited to form their own opinion and test the kite as soon as it is available.

What is the Vortex Ultra-X kite?

A number of kite surfers have already tested the pre-production version of the Vortex Ultra-X kite and the responses show that it is a big air kite. A kite that is very direct and predictable with which you can discover many new things tricks can learn. This is what Alexander Hannay writes about it:

Just in 20-25 knots it's a crazy kite for big air progression. Today I was trying boogie loops, late backroll kiteloops and board-off kiteloops and it was catching me every time. And the hang time… amazing! -Alexander Hannay

Ozone Vortex Ultra-X is an aluminum kite

The performance of the Vortex Ultra-X kite is made possible by the now well-known frame made of Aluula material. The Vortex Ultra-X kite has 3 struts and this makes it extra light compared to a 5 strut kite. In the video we see effortless double kiteloops. At least that's how it seems and this makes us very curious.

Price Ozone Vortex Ultra-X kite

We all know that the most advanced kites in combination with Aluula are more expensive than traditional kites. For example, a 9 meter Ozone Vortex Ultra-X kite costs approximately € 2.850. This price is comparable to other very advanced kites equipped with Aluula.

Experience with Aluula kites

We have now tested a number of Aluula kites ourselves and our opinion is that they are often the ultimate kites for ambitious kite surfers who want to get the most out of the sport. Also check out the reviews of the Naish Pivot Nvison or for Ocean Rodeo Rise in which we report in more detail on the character traits of aluula. We look forward to testing the Ozone Vortex Ultra-X and letting you know our findings.

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