Snowkite S-Loop vs Kitesurf S-Loop

Snowkite S-Loop (Edgar Ulrich) vs Kitesurf S-Loop (Ruben Lenten)
Snowkite S-Loop (Edgar Ulrich) vs Kitesurf S-Loop (Ruben Lenten)

We're still musing about it snowkiting. The prediction was good and is now less. Anyway, we still have time to buy an old snowboard. You know how it works… Once you have something in your head, you see it all around you. For example, our eye fell on snowkiter Edgar Ulrich who does a very cool trick: the S-Loop, also called Infinity loop. And this in itself triggered a completely different name and subject. Namely our own Ruben Lenten with his S-Loop in 2010.

Snowkite S-loop by Edgar Ulrich

Edgar Ulrich shows you what you can do with snowkiting. Firstly, how much airtime you can catch in the mountains because of the rising sky. In addition, what tricks you can do. For example the S-Loop. He himself indicates 'don't try this at home'. If it does happen in the Netherlands, please read at least what you need to know about snowkiting. Precisely because snowkiting is not a daily activity for many of us.

Kitesurf S-loop and Ruben Lenten in 2010

Link to Youtube if playback does not work.

Storm Chasers and Kitecinema. Who still remembers this combination? Whenever it stormed, Ruben came onto the beach together with his regular cameraman Dave (Kitecinema). After that, we were eagerly awaiting the preview and video editing of the whole event. Here we see Ruben running an S-Loop. Still envious because we are still gathering courage for the mega run.

S-Loop with Camdyn Kellett in 2021

Camdyn Kellett recently went for it too. You can see him going for it on his Instagram account. You can immediately see that a snowkite S-Loop is a lot easier in the mountains than on the water. The S-Loop is not completed properly and that shows how hard you descend after the second loop. In the comments he pays tribute to Ruben and admits in all honesty what happened. When he landed he grazed unhappily on a wave and then he pulled the kite out of the wind and picked it up again full of wind. As a result, a cool experience and a set of broken lines.

Try out new kitesurfing tricks?

We don't have to tell you that an S-Loop is not a beginner's trick. Even professional kiters say 'don't try this at home'. Do you still feel like learning new tricks just like us? Then read our blog again about how you can approach this in a fun and safe way.

Sometimes practicing new kitesurfing tricks is nothing more or less than a splash that stands between doing and not doing.

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