Twintips blind tested by Ruben Lenten. Check them out


None other than Ruben Lenten, 'kitesurfer for life', is currently conducting a blind test with kitesurf shop Kitemana kiteboard twintips. The first 2 videos are online and the result is presented as raw, unfiltered feedback on the performance of each board. Viewers will see honest reviews and Ruben's personal opinion on the best kitesurf boards on the market.

Twintip big air kiteboard test

The wind and water were quite rough on the first test day for testing the eight blind packed twintip kiteboards from the 2023-2024 range. The test can therefore be seen as a big air kiteboard test in overpowered conditions.

Tip: put the wind and weather page on your smartphone

Tested twintip kiteboards

  1. Sweet Shotgun
  2. Naish Motion
  3. Duotone Jaime
  4. Core Fusion
  5. Reedin KevPro
  6. Cabrinha Ace Wood
  7. Airush Apex
  8. North Atmos Hybrid
Also check out Episode 1 and the sequel to the Youtube of Kitemana

Top 3 twintip kiteboards

This was the outcome of Ruben's session with the 8 kiteboards.

  1. Naish Motion – 138 x 41,5
  2. Duotone Jamie – Pro 136 x 41
  3. Reedin Kev Pro – 136 x 41

Next test twintips

As you can see the conditions were not ideal for a freeride test but it became a big air test in unpredictable conditions. The next test should be a freeride test with the twintips in medium wind and less wild water.

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