Kiten put to the test with a thunderstorm

It is generally believed that kiteboarding with thunderstorms is life-threatening. Yet it often happens that kiteboarders do not come off the water for a thunderstorm. Even after this experiment? Below is an experiment performed in the program “Mythbusters”.

The experiment

Myth: Ben Franklin discovered electricity while Ben was flying a kite in a thunderstorm. A spark was generated from his finger to a key.

The three part experiments

  1. Charge of the key: Can the charge of thunderstorms be transferred to the key via the kite and lines?
  2. The Spark: Could the charge be high enough to generate a spark?
  3. Survive, yes or no ?: Could Franklin have survived the phenomenon?

1: Loading the key
Without thunderstorms only static charge is created. This is not enough to generate a spark. It is clear that one can get the key loaded. Test 1 completed.

2: The Spark
The kite is put under tension with equipment. And there is a spark to the key.
Test 2 completed.

3: The live or die test
A heart monitor is connected to the Ben Franklin Dummy. The heart endured 6mA (fatal).
A real lightning bolt has a lot more charge, Franklin could never have survived this. Test 3 failed.

: The first two parts of the experiment may have happened, but Franklin would no longer be able to touch the key.


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