Buy a kitesurf set - Which kite set suits me?

Whether you are a beginner, re-entrant or already an experienced kite surfer: buying a complete kitesurf set is often a wise decision. On the one hand because, based on personal advice, your purchased kitesurfing equipment is immediately ready to go on the water. On the other hand, because there are regularly complete kitesurf set offers during the kitesurf sale promotions. This saves money.… Read more Buy a kitesurf set - Which kite set suits me?

Buying a kitesurf occasion? Tips in advance buy a kitesurf set second hand

Buying a kitesurf occasion? Read the tips beforehand. Photo: kitesurfer with Ventum Xplore V1

Buying a complete second-hand kitesurf set is not that bad at all. Not only if you want to get started with your buddy after your kitesurfing lesson. But also if you have been kite surfing for a long time and are looking for a complete second-hand kitesurf set on offer. You can of course also buy separate kitesurfing equipment second-hand. Read more Buying a kitesurf occasion? Tips in advance buy a kitesurf set second hand

What does kite surfing cost? Everything about kite surfing costs

This kitesurfing blog is the final piece in a series of tips for kite surfers about purchasing kite surfing equipment. First we explained how to find out which kitesurfing set is suitable for you. Then we got you thinking about kitesurf occasions. We then explained what you should pay attention to when purchasing if ... Read more What does kite surfing cost? Everything about kite surfing costs