Kitesurfing in storm Bella

Kitesurfing in storm Bella
Kitesurfing in storm Bella

We went out on the water with two hands on the bar and a pinched buttocks. Fair is fair. Anyway, under pressure of your passion you still want to get out on the water to experience moments like this. Even if the wind blows very hard. Today even with gusts of wind of more than 105 km per hour. At the same time, we feel responsible to make it a fun and safe session. Safe out, safe at home is the KNRM slogan. No sooner said than done. Kitesurfing in storm Bella.

Seventh official storm of 2020

Bella traveled across the Netherlands in the night from Saturday to Sunday and Sunday morning. It was the seventh official storm of 2020. The previous storm was Odette.

We went out on the water with two hands on the bar and a pinched buttocks. Fair is fair.

Pay attention. The guys you see here sometimes have more than 20 years of experience with kite surfing at sea. This is not a measure, because we see kite surfers who have not been kitesurfing for very long, also kitesurfing enviously in this type of weather. We want to emphasize that these kinds of circumstances are for advanced users. And even in this group, not everyone is happy to get out on the water on days like this. Completely logical. More about whether the it is wise to go kite surfing with storm you can read here.


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