Twintips blind tested by Ruben Lenten. Check them out

None other than Ruben Lenten, 'kitesurfer for life', is currently conducting a blind test for kiteboard twintips with kitesurf shop Kitemana. The first 2 videos are online and the result is presented as raw, unfiltered feedback on the performance of each board. Viewers will see honest reviews and Ruben's personal opinion on the best kitesurf boards… Read more Twintips blind tested by Ruben Lenten. Check them out

Snowkite S-Loop vs Kitesurf S-Loop

Snowkite S-Loop (Edgar Ulrich) vs Kitesurf S-Loop (Ruben Lenten)

We are still musing about snowkiting. The prediction was good and is now less. Anyway, we still have time to buy an old snowboard. You know how it works ... Once you have something in your head, you see it all around you ... Read more Snowkite S-Loop vs Kitesurf S-Loop

Explanation kiteloops and megaloops. Kiteloop ambitions? Participate or give tips

Explanation kiteloop and megaloop. Nico Gambier shows us how to do it. ;-)

There is quite a difference between kiteloops and megaloops. We are charging for megaloops. Do you also have this ambition or do you have tips for us. Join. Explanation kiteloops and megaloops. Kiteloops and megaloops The kiteloop is a trick in which the kite surfer lets his kite make a loop. The kiteloop can be so ... Read more Explanation kiteloops and megaloops. Kiteloop ambitions? Participate or give tips

Robby Naish & Len10 workshop!

You now have the chance to receive exclusive lessons and tips for three days from world famous legend, kiteboarding and ex-windsurfer, Robby Naish and from our Dutch kite hero Ruben Lenten. When By personal invitation from Friday September 26 to Sunday September 28. Where Strictly secret location. Secret! If you win, you are ... Read more Robby Naish & Len10 workshop!