Kitesurfing with gusts of 105 km / h

Kitesurfing with gusts of wind

We have not yet seen an official explanation and name of this stormy day (May 21, 2021). The wind was more than 'hot' as we call it in kitesurfing jargon. The gusts of wind were also undeniably hard. We also had more than 20 years of kitesurfing experience again moments when we were kite surfing with a pinched buttocks and two hands at the bar. Still a beautiful moment that we would not have wanted to miss.

Today was a day for experienced to very experienced kite surfers. Even many of them wisely skip days like this.

Kitesurfing with gusts of wind up to 105 km / h is 100% concentration in the moment.

Kitesurfing today?

Read more about which wind suits you and how to estimate whether it is wise to go kite surfing via the links below.

Kitesurf wind and weather pages

Kitesurfing with gusts of wind. If you have braved the stormy wind too, let us know how it was and a photos or video would be completely cool.


    1. Hi Arne, no thanks. A little help was not an unnecessary luxury. The atmosphere was pretty good. Hopefully you still had a 'nice' shot.

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