Northeast wind stronger than predicted. Phenomenon explained

Northeast wind sometimes stronger than predicted. Image via our weather links from

You may have also noticed. At least I do, because a special phenomenon has been going on for days with northeast wind and wind from the north to the northeast. The current wind deviates significantly from the predicted wind during the afternoon and evening.… Read more Northeast wind stronger than predicted. Phenomenon explained

Kitesurf theory: online knowledge base for every kitesurfer

Theory kitesurfing -

Kitesurfing is a wonderful sport. As you may already know, communicating about the sport is a bonus for us on kitesurfing itself. We are happy to provide you with kitesurf theory. Almost always supplemented with practical tips, photos and videos. Our motto is not for nothing: “Ride with us. From zero 2 hero” Kitesurf theory intended for… Read more Kitesurf theory: online knowledge base for every kitesurfer

Rent a kitesurf set? These are your options for renting kitesurfing gear

Lease a shared scooter, shared bicycle, private lease car or your central heating boiler. All forms of being able to use something without owning it. This is a real trend and who knows what the shared cars will bring us. Back to water sports and then kite surfing and wing foiling in particular. Did you know that you can now also buy kitesurfing gear… Read more Rent a kitesurf set? These are your options for renting kitesurfing gear

Kitesurfing holiday - your kite holiday starts here

My name is Olmo and especially for Kitesurfpro I am writing this article about kitesurfing holidays. Where wave surfing has been gaining popularity for years, I also see more and more kite surfers taking to the water. It is essential that you only start kiting when you really know what you are doing. If you don't ... Read more Kitesurfing holiday - your kite holiday starts here

Is kitesurfing difficult to learn? That's how you learn it too

Is kitesurfing difficult to learn? This is a question we are often asked. The short answer to this question is no. Kitesurfing is easy to learn. Of course you don't just kitesurf on the sea. It can also be disappointing in the beginning and you can get to a point where you think it is… Read more Is kitesurfing difficult to learn? That's how you learn it too

Surfer's ear - This is how you prevent a surfers ear

A surfer's ear, also called exostosis, may sound a bit strange or drowsy, but it really exists. Due to the drop in temperature, think of autumn and winter, in combination with wind past your ears, there is a chance that bone growth will develop in your ears. This can have unpleasant consequences. Surfers often too late… Read more Surfer's ear - This is how you prevent a surfers ear

Kitesurfing association? Become an NKV member too!

Kitesurf Association. Support the NKV and become a member. Photo: just any summer day at kite spot Brouwerdam

Becoming a member of the Dutch Kitesurf Association (NKV) is our advice. We briefly explain why. Kitesurfing is a very popular sport. The number of kitespots in the Netherlands on inland waterways is very limited. You can imagine that, when it gets busier, the improvement of kitespots is sometimes urgently needed… Read more Kitesurfing association? Become an NKV member too!

kite crash video. Evaluate and give tips

Collect! Read the given tips and let us know if you agree.
Collect! Read the given tips and let us know if you agree.

Whether you start kitesurfing or like we have been on the water for more than 20 years: you will fall. Sometimes just because of that one wave you didn't count on, sometimes because you're practicing a new kite trick. In this kitesurf-academy blog we evaluate a kite crash. We got you… Read more kite crash video. Evaluate and give tips